Wooree Tea for Luxury Korean Green Tea.
Korean Green Tea
All our tea comes only from the one farm in the Hwage Valley, 30 km's upriver from the city of Hadong, the birthplace of Korean tea, over 1200 years ago. Hadong is recognised as the best tea growing region of South Korea.
Our tea is classified as semi-wild as the tea plants have self seeded from the original tea plants grown all those years ago.They grow within the Jirisan National Park, amongst the bamboo forests and the pure water of the Sumjim River. Because of the steep hillsides the entire picking process is done by hand with meticulous care.
Our tea master, is a fourth generation tea farmer and because of her very high standards, we are proud to have her as our only tea supplier.
Freshly harvested young tea shoots are gently fired in great iron cauldrons heated by wood-fuelled fires, the handmade process adds to each vintage’s unique hue, fragrance and flavour.
Korean Matcha:
Korean matcha has some notable differences than Japanese matcha. Japanese matcha is shade grown for a few weeks to months before it is picked. Korean matcha is usually naturally shaded such by mountains, bamboo, or ocean fog.
If it is deliberately shade grown it is usually done for just a few days or weeks. The other big difference between Japanese matcha and Korean matcha is that Japanese matcha is usually fertilized with nitrogen to increase the depth of colour and flavour. Conversely, Korean powdered tea is usually organic.
In the end both of these factors impact the taste. Longer shade means a sweeter taste and more caffine as the sun is unable to convert theanine to bitter tannins. More amino acids and chlorophyll is produced in the shade lending itself to a deeper green colour. Nitrogen fertilizer means faster leaf growth resulting in less sunlight as well.
As a result Korean powdered green tea tends to be richer, smoother, and sweeter compared to Japanese matcha.